Club Showcase
Get your club involved in WOW!
Club Showcase is a great opportunity for your club to get involved and interact with incoming students. On Sunday, September 22 (9/22) from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m, we host the WOW Club Showcase which is a two hour long informational fair consisting of over 350 Cal Poly clubs and organizations!
Next Steps for Clubs
The signups to participate in WOW Club Showcase 2024 are currently closed. Please email Orientationclubs@calpoly.edu for more information.
More Information for Clubs
Below, you can find more information about the different ways your club can get involved during WOW. If you have additional questions, be sure to take a look at our Week of Welcome page for more information about the Week as a whole, or reach out to us at orientationclubs@calpoly.edu with your questions and we'll do our best to help!
Ways to Get Involved
Club-hosted Events
WOW Club-hosted events are smaller events that clubs host throughout the Week of Welcome. When creating their schedule for the week, WOW Leaders get to choose and sign up for different club events. This allows new students to interact with clubs on a more individual basis as well as help clubs in recruiting new students to join their club.
WOW Club Showcase
Club Showcase is a great opportunity for your club to get involved and interact with incoming students. It is a three hour long informational fair consisting of over 350 Cal Poly clubs and organizations.
WOW Club Showcase Performances
WOW Club Showcase Performances are a new addition to WOW Club Showcase this year! These performances will occur at the same time and location as WOW Club Showcase. This allows new students to get to see the amazing projects and talents that Cal Poly Clubs and Organizations have.
Thanks to our past Participants!
Your club and organization’s involvements in our program are crucial to help the new students acclimate to Cal Poly! Thank you from all of us at Orientation to our participants in past WOW Club Showcase and to those we worked with through our Club-hosted Event opportunities — we look forward to seeing you again during WOW 2024!
Join Our Interest List
If you're like us to send you updates about Club Involvement opportunities for our programs, fill out the interest list form below and we'll keep you in the loop.