Cal Poly Resources
Cal Poly is home to countless resources to help make sure you feel safe, engaged, and supported throughout your time on campus (and beyond!). From academics to advising, health and wellbeing, and spaces to foster diversity and belonging, these resources are here to help you get your questions answered, feel more at home, and connect with one another and the campus community.
Take a look at some of the most popular campus resources below—if you still have questions or think we've missed an important resource, let us know!
Resources by Category
Know what you're looking for already? Tap a category to jump to that section.
Emergency Resources
Emergency 24/7: Dial 911
Campus Emergency Numbers
In the event of an life-threatening emergency, always remember to dial 911 first. In addition, there are several resources available on campus to assist you in the event of any kind of emergency.
Health Services 24/7: 805-756-1211
Counseling Services: 805-756-2511
University Police 24/7: 805-756-2281
University Housing: 805-756-5690
Dean of Students: 805-756-0327
SLO Community Resources: 211
Academic Resources
Center for Engineering, Science, and Mathematics Education (CESAME)
Building 25, Room 213
The University Center for Engineering, Science and Mathematics Education (CESAME) was created to improve Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education, teacher education and professional development, and the workforce pipeline in California.
https://cesame.calpoly.edu/ 805-756-2859 cesame@calpoly.edu
Ethnic Studies Department
The Ethnic Studies Department is comprised of one of the most diverse, yet cohesive, student populations on campus. We place a special emphasis on community, and value individual students for the variety of talents and interests they bring.
LSAMP Program
Building 25, Room 129
The LSAMP Program is designed to support undergraduate students who face or have faced social, educational, and/or economic barriers to careers in STEM fields.
https://lsamp.calpoly.edu/ 805-756-2875 lsamp@calpoly.edu
Multicultural Business Program
Building 03, Room 106
The Multicultural Business Program (MBP) is a diverse, inclusive, and multicultural community led by students for students where they matter, belong, and with professional support are connected with resources to persist to graduation and beyond.
https://www.cob.calpoly.edu/studentservices/mbp/ 805-756-5324 mbp@calpoly.edu
Multicultural Engineering Program
The Multicultural Engineering Program (MEP) is an academic support program designed to retain and graduate students who continue to remain underrepresented in engineering.
https://mep.calpoly.edu/ 805-756-1461 mep@calpoly.edu
Pre-health Career Advising
Building 53, Room 211
Pre-health Career Advising is for all matriculated Cal Poly students and alumni who are pursuing or applying to graduate programs in health professions.
https://prehealth.calpoly.edu/ prehealth@calpoly.edu
Cal Poly Honors Program
Kennedy Library, Room 510
https://honors.calpoly.edu/ 805-756-7029 honors@calpoly.edu
Building 52, Room E7
The primary goals of the Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) are to improve the access, retention and graduation of students who have been historically, economically and/or educationally disadvantaged.
https://eop.calpoly.edu/ 805-756-2301 eop@calpoly.edu
Extended Education
Building 52, Room E34
Cal Poly Extended Education provides access to Cal Poly and expands learning opportunities for individuals through a variety of academic and professional programs.
https://extended.calpoly.edu/ 805-756-2053 extended@calpoly.edu
TRIO Achievers
Building 124, Room 229
Services provided to students by TRIO Achievers include academic advising, tutoring, career information, help with financial aid concerns, workshops, and help understanding academic policies and procedures. To participate in the program, students must meet eligibility guidelines that are based on household income, parent's education, or student disability.
https://trioachievers.calpoly.edu/ 805-756-1395 trioachievers@calpoly.edu
Cal Poly Scholars
The Cal Poly Scholars program seeks to support and retain high-achieving students from California schools, who come from low-income backgrounds, by providing financial, academic, and community resources.
https://scholars.calpoly.edu/ cpscholars@calpoly.edu
Student Academic Services
Building 52, Room E7
Student Academic Services mission is to provide access to higher education, facilitate transition to the university environment, and assist in the development of academic and personal skills, thus promoting academic success towards graduation for a diverse student population.
https://sas.calpoly.edu/ 805-756-2301 sas@calpoly.edu
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Career Services
Building 124, Room 114
Career Services empowers Cal Poly students to achieve a lifetime of meaningful career success. Career Services offers resources and services to current students, alumni, and faculty/staff such as a professional clothing closet, resource toolkits, career counseling and a career and professional development certificate that you can earn.
https://careerservices.calpoly.edu/ 805-756-2501 careerservices@calpoly.edu
Orfalea College of Business Career Readiness Center
Building 03, Room 300D
Their mission is to empower Orfalea College of Business students to develop the career readiness skills they need to succeed in college and their careers by providing opportunities to build meaningful connections and engage in immersive experiences.
https://www.cob.calpoly.edu/studentservices/careers-internships/ 805-756-1623 ocobcareers@calpoly.edu
Cal Poly Career Connections
Career Connections is an exclusive online networking and mentoring platform that connects you to Cal Poly’s professional community. Alumni in the platform have chosen to be here for you – they want to help you as you explore your own career path.
College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences (CAFES) Advising
Building 74M-A Room 100
https://cafes.calpoly.edu/academic-advising 805-756-7574 cafesadvising@calpoly.edu
College of Architecture and Environmental Design (CAED) Advising
Building 05-210 (Architecture building)
http://www.caed.calpoly.edu/caed-advising 805-756-1325 caeadvising@calpoly.edu
College of Engineering (CENG) Advising
Building 40, Room 115
https://eadvise.calpoly.edu/ eadvise@calpoly.edu
College of Liberal Arts (CLA) Advising
Building 27, Room 22B
https://cla.calpoly.edu/student-resources 805-756-6200 claadvising@calpoly.edu
College of Science and Mathematics (CSM) Advising
Building 53, Room 211
https://csmadvising.calpoly.edu/ 805-756-2615 csmadvising@calpoly.edu
Orfalea College of Business (OCOB) Advising
Building 3, Room 100A
https://www.cob.calpoly.edu/studentservices/ 805-756-2601 cobadvis@calpoly.edu
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Cal Poly Recreation Center
Building 43
The Recreation Center is Cal Poly’s destination for fitness, recreation, relaxation, and wellness. Our state-of-the-art facility features everything you need for your workout, leisure, or recreational activity.
https://www.asi.calpoly.edu/facilities/recreation-center/ 805-756-1366
ASI Intramural Sports
Building 43
Play your favorite sport or try something new with a variety of leagues and tournaments.
https://www.asi.calpoly.edu/get-active/intramural-sports/ 805-756-6044 imsports@calpoly.edu
Club Sports
University Union, Building 65
Club sports is an option for students looking to compete with other schools in a variety of sports. They hold tryouts at the beginning of the season for each sport offered
https://clubs.calpoly.edu/club-sports 805-756-7009
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Campus Health & Wellbeing
Building 27
https://chw.calpoly.edu/ 805-756-1211 (Health), 805-756-2511 (Counseling), 805-756-6181(Wellbeing), 805-756-2282 (Safer) health@calpoly.edu
Peer Wellbeing Program Teams
Building 27, Room 10 (Lower level of the Health Center)
The Peer Wellness Programs are a nationally awarded Peer Health Education program that supports the health and wellbeing of all Cal Poly students. The program is comprised of seven teams, each dedicated to a specific area of education: Sexual Wellbeing (EROS), Mental Wellbeing (REAL), Nutrition and Fitness (HEAT), General Health & Wellbeing (WA), Gender- and Power-Based Violence Prevention Education (Safer), Alcohol & Cannabis and Other Drug Education (TLC) and Mustangs 4 Recovery.
https://chw.calpoly.edu/peer-wellness-program-teams wellbeing@calpoly.edu
Counseling Services
Building 27, Room 135 (Located inside the Health Center)
Cal Poly Counseling Services promotes the development of holistic student emotional health. As mental health professionals, we serve the campus community through advocacy and the provision of confidential, accessible services.
https://hcs.calpoly.edu/counseling 805-756-2511 (24-7 crisis line) counseling@calpoly.edu
Advocacy Services: Health Center, Building 27
Prevention Education Office: University Union, Building 65, Room 217
Safer is Cal Poly’s primary confidential resource for addressing sexual assault, intimate partner violence, domestic violence, stalking, sexual exploitation and harassment. Safer offers holistic services to the entire campus community regarding gender- & power-based violence. Our Advocacy Staff supports survivors of violence (and their loved ones) directly, by offering confidential crisis support and advocacy, which includes crisis intervention, accompaniments, referrals, and more. Our Prevention Education Staff engages the campus community in setting pro-social behavior norms and encouraging community accountability so this violence never occurs in the first place.
https://safer.calpoly.edu/home 805-756-2282 safer@calpoly.edu
Food Pantry
Lower level of the Health Center (Building 27)
The Food Pantry is a part of the Cal Poly Hunger Program which ensures that all students have access to nutritious meals every day in order to stay focused on their success at Cal Poly. The Food Pantry is a short-term service that is here to assist students who are experiencing food insecurity due to a financial struggle. Thanks to our generous donors, students can choose from a wide variety of packages and canned foods, frozen meals, and personal hygiene products.
https://hcs.calpoly.edu/pulse/students/pantry 805-756-6181
Mustangs for Recovery
Mustangs for Recovery is a program of Campus Health & Wellbeing that uses a peer-to-peer model to provide a safe and supportive environment for students in recovery or struggling with addiction to substances and addictive behaviors.
https://chw.calpoly.edu/mustangs-recovery Kirsten Vinther, kvinther@calpoly.edu
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Involvement on Campus
ASI Poly Escapes
Building 43
Poly Escapes offers student-led trips and low-cost equipment rentals to start your unforgettable journey. The Rental Center also offers a variety of items for rental or purchase.
https://www.asi.calpoly.edu/experience/poly-escapes/ 805-756-1287 asipolyescapes@calpoly.edu
Associated Students, Inc. (ASI)
Associated Students, Inc. (ASI) connects Cal Poly students to their ultimate college experience by employing, empowering, and engaging students through our programs, services, and facilities.
ASI Student Government
Building 65, Second Floor
Elected and volunteer student leaders are the collective voice of the student body and your link to sparking change at the campus, state, and federal level.
805-756-1292 Tracy Watson, Administrative Assistant – Student Government, twatson@calpoly.edu
Inter Housing Council (IHC)
Student-led councils elected by residents of each housing community. IHC also puts on events and advocate for services for students who live on campus!
https://ihc.calpoly.edu/content/index 805-756-7644 ihc@calpoly.edu
New Student and Transition Programs (NSTP)
Building 52, Room E10
A resource for all new students and their supporters and to ensure their successful transition to Cal Poly. NSTP’s three flagship programs include: Open House, Student Life Orientation Days, and Week of Welcome.
https://orientation.calpoly.edu/ 805-756-2400 orientation@calpoly.edu
Building 65 (University Union), Room 203
With more than 300 student organizations, Cal Poly has something for everyone. No matter what you are passionate about, you’ll probably find at least one you’ll want to join.
https://clubs.calpoly.edu/clubs-directory 805-756-5807 asiclubservices@calpoly.edu
Fraternity & Sorority Life
The mission of the Fraternity & Sorority Life office is to foster the learning and development of students who affiliate with the social fraternities and sororities at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo.
https://greeklife.calpoly.edu/ greeklife@calpoly.edu
Center for Military-Connected Students
Building 52, Room E4
Center for Military-Connected Students is a central hub of information and support. They strive to provide comprehensive assistance to all military-connected students.
https://militaryconnected.calpoly.edu/ 805-756-6838 military@calpoly.edu
International Center
Building 52, Room E32
The primary mission of the Cal Poly International Center is to provide leadership and coordination for international activities and to serve as the principal catalyst for internationalization efforts at Cal Poly.
https://international.calpoly.edu/ 805-756-1477 international@calpoly.edu
Transfer Center
Building 52, Room E30
Empowering and supporting transfer students to succeed and thrive at Cal Poly while advancing institutional support for transfer students.
https://transfercenter.calpoly.edu/ transfer@calpoly.edu
Cal Poly Cat Program
The Cal Poly Cat Program (CPCP) is a non-profit organization of students, faculty, staff and community members who care about the health and happiness of both feral and domesticated cats.
https://catprogram.calpoly.edu/ cpcpscheduler@gmail.com
Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship
872 Higuera St (Downtown San Luis Obispo)
The Cal Poly Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (CIE) helps students and community members acquire the tools, develop the skills and cultivate the mindset of an entrepreneur so that they may create economic and social value throughout the world.
https://cie.calpoly.edu/ 805-756-5171 info-cie@calpoly.edu
Center for Leadership
Building 65 (University Union), Room 217
The Center for Leadership fosters socially responsible leadership development through high-impact practices
https://leadership.calpoly.edu/ 805-756-5465 leadership@calpoly.edu
Center for Service in Action
Building 52, Room E22
The Center for Service in Action (CSA) at Cal Poly connects students with meaningful community service opportunities that complement their educational experience, strengthen their understanding of diversity and social responsibility, and develop skills to become ethical and knowledgeable leaders who contribute to a global society.
https://serviceinaction.calpoly.edu/ 805-756-5834 serviceinaction@calpoly.edu
Local Connections
Building 81
Local Connections aims to connect out-of-state Cal Poly students with members of the San Luis Obispo community.
https://localconnections.calpoly.edu/ 805-756-6799 localconnections@calpoly.edu
Mustang Media Group
Graphic Arts Building, Room 223 & 226
Mustang Media Group is Cal Poly’s award winning, integrated student media organization.
https://mustangnews.net/ 805-756-1143 (Advertising), 805-756-1796 (Editorial) advertising@mustangnews.net (Advertising), editorial@mustangmediagroup.com (Editorial)
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Library Resources
Robert E. Kennedy Library
Building 35
The Robert E. Kennedy Library includes a five floor library to study on, a cafe, a printing service lab, a 24 hour hub, many printers, computer labs, and fishbowls, which are group study areas that you can reserve. There are also college- specific librarians that can help you navigate library and online databases, printers, and charger rentals at the front desk.
https://lib.calpoly.edu/ 805-756-5760 (Circulation desk) library@calpoly.edu
Writing and Learning Center
Building 35 (Kennedy Library)
The Office of Writing and Learning Initiatives, a unit of Academic Programs and Planning, supports Cal Poly student learning and achievement by coordinating a variety of programs, services, and resources: the CSU Early Assessment Program, the CSU-mandated Early Start English program for first-time first-year students, academic placement in English, free individual and group tutoring in any subject, course embedded learning assistance, and academic support workshops intended to ensure optimal educational opportunities for diverse student populations.
https://writingandlearning.calpoly.edu/center writingcenter@calpoly.edu
Academic Skills Center (ASC)
Building 35 (Kennedy Library), Room 112
The Academic Skills Center (ASC) offers a variety of enrichment programs and campus support services. Programs include Supplemental Workshops in Math and Science and Study Session groups for challenging entry-level STEM courses. Campus support includes online study strategies and a list of campus tutoring services.
https://asc.calpoly.edu/ 805-756-1256 asc@calpoly.edu
Office of Student Ombuds Services (Ombuds)
Building 35 (Kennedy Library), Room 113
The Office of Student Ombuds Services is a campus resource for all Cal Poly students. The Ombuds staff are committed to hearing about students’ experiences. The office offers a safe place to go for assistance in resolving any university related issue, concern, conflict, or complaint. All communications with the office are strictly confidential, informal, impartial, and independent.
https://ombuds.calpoly.edu/ 805-756-1380 ombuds@calpoly.edu
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Money and Jobs
Mustang Jobs/Handshake
Powered by Handshake, Mustang Jobs is Cal Poly's online job listing service. Over 25,000 on-campus, local part-time jobs, internships, and career positions are made available annually!
Find the link to Mustang Jobs in “My Apps” on your Cal Poly Portal!
Cal Poly Corporation
Building 15
Cal Poly Corporation is a valuable strategic partner dedicated to advancing Cal Poly’s mission. We provide vital university resources and services, enhancing campus life with solutions that are flexible, innovative and effective.
https://www.calpolycorporation.org/ 805-756-1451
Cal Poly Low Income Taxpayer Clinic (LITC)
Building 03, Room 107
The Low Income Taxpayer Clinic was created to provide undergraduate and graduate accounting students the opportunity to work with underserved communities while enhancing their professional skills. Under the direct supervision of Orfalea College of Business faculty, students represent low-income clients involved in tax controversies before the IRS and the U.S. Tax Court.
https://www.cob.calpoly.edu/litcweb/ 877-318-6772, 805-756-5725 (Spanish Phone) litc@calpoly.edu
Financial Aid
Building 1, Room 212
The Financial Aid office is here to help you secure the resources to fund your education.
https://www.calpoly.edu/financial-aid 805-756-2927 financialaid@calpoly.edu
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Parent and Family Programs
Orfalea Family and ASI Children's Center
Building 133
The Orfalea Family and ASI Children’s Center provides early care and education services for the children of Cal Poly students, faculty, staff, alumni, and the local San Luis Obispo community.
https://www.asi.calpoly.edu/childrens-center/ 805-756-1267 asichildrenscenter@calpoly.edu
Parent and Family Programs
Building 81
Parent and Family Programs provides support, resources and exciting programming for the proud parents, family members and supporters of Cal Poly students.
https://parent.calpoly.edu/ 805-756-6700 calpolyparent@calpoly.edu
Preschool Learning Lab
Building 38, Room 125
The Cal Poly Psychology and Child Development Preschool Learning Lab provides a high-quality preschool environment that supports the developmental needs of the whole child in a warm, nurturing, play-based environment.
https://preschoollearninglab.calpoly.edu/ 805-756-2220 preschoollabadmin@calpoly.edu
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Student Diversity and Belonging
Student Diversity and Belonging
Building 65, Room 217
Student Diversity & Belonging is a collaborative coalition of campus community centers serving an active role in creating culturally-rich environments at Cal Poly and in San Luis Obispo.
https://culture.calpoly.edu/ 805-756-7177 culture@calpoly.edu
Gender Equity Center
Building 65 (University Union), Room 217
The Gender Equity Center supports and empowers all womxn-identifying students, faculty and staff by creating strong community and offering a brave space to explore the feminist, womxnist, and mujerista movements through an intersectional lens
https://culture.calpoly.edu/GenderEquity 805-756-2600 genderequitycenter@calpoly.edu
Men & Masculinities Center
Building 52, Room E5
The Men & Masculinity Program engages the Cal Poly community with the purpose of creating spaces to critically evaluate expressions of masculinity, intersections with other identities, and establishing inclusive representations of masculinities.
https://masculinity.calpoly.edu/ 805-756-2277 menandmasculinity@calpoly.edu
Pride Center
Building 65 (University Union), Room 209
The Pride Center envisions a stronger and braver Cal Poly community that is radically inclusive of all sexualities, gender identities, and gender expressions.
https://culture.calpoly.edu/PrideCenter 805-756-2459 pride@calpoly.edu
Multicultural Center
Building 65 (University Union), First Floor
The Multicultural Center is committed to inclusion, diversity, and equity as core values and seek to foster interpersonal growth, community, and strive to achieve equity for all. It is an educational space that uses social justice as a foundation for our commitment to recruitment, retention, and success of all underrepresented students
https://culture.calpoly.edu/MultiCultural 805-756-2582
Dream Center
Building 52, Room E11
Cal Poly's Dream Center is committed to offering a safe, inclusive space for all undocumented students, those from mixed-status families, and their allies. The Dream Center maintains the confidentiality of individual students while fostering a welcoming community environment that aligns with the university’s commitment to diversity and inclusion. The Dream Center offers a range of programs and services to educate the campus community and support undocumented students’ access, persistence, graduation, and post-graduate pursuits.
https://dreamcenter.calpoly.edu/ 805-756-6362 dreamcenter@calpoly.edu
Black Academic Excellence Center (BAEC)
Building 52, Room E23
The Black Academic Excellence Center (BAEC) program is committed to supporting the advancement and excellence of Black students and Black student groups within the Cal Poly community. By fostering an inclusive environment, providing academic support, and promoting a positive self-image, our goal is to empower Black students to take full advantage of all the opportunities presented while actively engaging with Black history and culture.
https://baec.calpoly.edu/ 805-756-6774 Anya Booker, Black Academic Excellence Coordinator – anbooker@calpoly.edu
UndocuAlly working group
Building 52, Room E11
The UndocuAlly Working Group at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo is comprised of faculty, staff, administrators, and students dedicated to creating an UndocuFriendly Cal Poly.
https://undocually.calpoly.edu/ undocually@calpoly.edu
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Student Resources
Disability Resource Center (DRC)
Building 124 (Student Services, across from Spanos Stadium)
The Disability Resource Center (DRC) cultivates an accessible and inclusive community where students with permanent and temporary disabilities have an equal opportunity to participate in all aspects of campus life. We facilitate student learning and access through partnerships with students, faculty, and staff.
https://drc.calpoly.edu/ 805-756-1395 drc@calpoly.edu
Mustang Success Center
Building 52, Room D37
From your acceptance to Cal Poly to the end of Spring Quarter of your first year, the Mustang Success Center’s goal is to provide you with a solid foundation in understanding academic policies and procedures, navigating your degree pathway, meeting your goals, and connecting to on-campus resources.
https://success.calpoly.edu/ 805-756-6211 success@calpoly.edu
BEACoN Mentoring Program
Building 1 (Administration), Room 209
BEACoN Mentors host multiple meetings and workshops during the year. These activities allow mentors and prospective BEACoN Scholars (mentees) to be introduced to one another. These activities also build community, jump start mentoring relationships, and provide a safe space for sharing experiences and ideas between all members of our network. We hope that within this community to will find others with whom you can identify.
https://beaconmentors.calpoly.edu/home 805-756-2250 diversity@calpoly.edu
Dean of Students
Building 81
The Office of the Dean of Students creates opportunities that increase access, allow for exploration of advocacy and privilege, and promote a welcoming campus climate.
https://deanofstudents.calpoly.edu/ deanofstudents@calpoly.edu
Department of Emergency Management
Building 36
The Department of Emergency Management is a Department under Public Safety at Cal Poly. We provide both emergency management and business continuity services to the campus community, including emergency planning, preparedness training, and hazard awareness.
https://afd.calpoly.edu/emergency/ 805-756-6675 DEM@calpoly.edu
Distribution Services
Building 82
Cal Poly Distribution Center's mission is to provide timely and accurate mail, parcel, and freight service to the campus community.
https://afd.calpoly.edu/distribution/ 805-756-2872 warehouse@calpoly.edu
Facilities Management and Development
Building 70
Facilities Management and Development (FMD), a unit within the Administration and Finance Division (AFD), is responsible for the planning, design, construction, operations, maintenance, and repair of university facilities and grounds.
https://afd.calpoly.edu/facilities/ 805-756-5555 facilities-cbs@calpoly.edu
Information Technologies (IT) services
Cal Poly’s Information Technology Services (ITS) provides a wide range of technical services and support to the university’s faculty, staff and students.
https://tech.calpoly.edu/services 805-756-7000 servicedesk@calpoly.edu
Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities
Building 81
The Office of Student Rights & Responsibilities (OSRR) administers the California State University Standards for Student Conduct. This office ensures a fair and impartial administration of the disciplinary process while educating students about their responsibilities and protecting the rights of all members of the University community.
https://osrr.calpoly.edu/ osrr@calpoly.edu
Office of the Registrar
Building 1, Room 222
The Office of the Registrar is comprised of four areas: Records supports registration, verification of enrollment and degrees, official transcripts, grades and Veterans Administration requirements in accordance with Federal, State and University policies. Evaluations assesses and validates academic degree progress, application of transfer credit, development of course articulation agreements, major requirements, change of major, and the conferral of degrees. Class Scheduling oversees the scheduling of academic classes, first year block scheduling, Schedule Builder, and the campus master calendar. Curriculum, Catalog and Systems Management oversees the production of the institutional catalog, procedural and mechanical aspects of the curriculum process, the technical aspects of the Degree Progress Report, Degree Planner, and Dashboards.
https://registrar.calpoly.edu/ 805-756-2531 records@calpoly.edu (Records), evaluations@calpoly.edu (Evaluations)
Student Affairs
Student Affairs promotes student success throughout the Cal Poly experience by providing Learn by Doing opportunities, delivering innovative student-centered programs, supporting personal growth, encouraging lifelong connections and empowering all students within a safe, inclusive and supportive environment.
https://studentaffairs.calpoly.edu/ 805-756-1521 vpsa@calpoly.edu
The Office of Equal Opportunity
The Office of Equal Opportunity (OEO) promotes an equitable and inclusive learning and work environment at Cal Poly by advancing equal opportunities in all University programs and experiences. The OEO is responsible for the University's compliance with federal and state laws and regulations and CSU system policies and procedures regarding discrimination, harassment, retaliation, sexual misconduct, whistleblower protection, and conflict of interest. The OEO provides an impartial and neutral avenue for students, faculty, and staff and other members of the University community to address concerns regarding potential violations of CSU policies.
https://equalopportunity.calpoly.edu/ 805-756-6770 equalopportunity@calpoly.edu
Upward Bound
Building 58, Room 109A
Upward Bound (UB) is a federally funded outreach program that provides services to local high school students from disadvantaged backgrounds. The program provides opportunities for participants to succeed in their pre-college performance and ultimately in their higher education pursuits.
https://upwardbound.calpoly.edu/ 805-756-5128 upwardbound@calpoly.edu
WITH US Center for Bystander Intervention
WITH US is a national, multi-issue bystander intervention research center committed to addressing critical social issues impacting the health, safety and success of college students.
https://www.withus.org/ 805-756-7787 withus@calpoly.edu
Zero Waste Ambassadors
Building 70, Room 117
The role of student Zero Waste Ambassadors is to educate attendees about Cal Poly’s recycling and composting initiatives so that waste is properly sorted at events and beyond.
https://afd.calpoly.edu/sustainability/student/zero-waste-ambassadors 805-756-5397 sustainability@calpoly.edu
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