Get Your Club Involved!
At Orientation, we really value our partnerships with different Cal Poly Clubs and want to do our part to provide opportunities for all students, families, alumni, and community members to learn about and experience all of the awesome things our clubs do! New Student and Transition Programs organizes two big events per year that are designed to showcase clubs — one in the spring at Open House, called Campus Showcase, and one in the fall at the start of the school year at the end of WOW, called Club Showcase. Both of these events are great opportunities for you to meet new potential club members, answer questions, and get some exposure for your club.
To learn more about each specific opportunity for your club to get involved, please see each's respective information page below. Or, if you're already interested in having your club represented at either or both of these events, fill out our interest list below to get updates as they get closer about next steps for your club to take to get involved!